This talk sheds light on the interjectionally gendered dimensions of the US election campaign (and its outcome). Building on the “right-wing patterns of en-gendering” evoked in extreme right discourse, it traces the ways in which “gender” has served and serves as an arena and meta-language to negotiate diverse topics such as demography or the distribution of resource and catapult them into the public sphere. It delineates also the complexities of such patterns (such as femonationalism, emancipation fatigue, sexual exceptionalism (Gabriele Dietze), or reverse anti-colonialism) and asks which affective strategies are employed in this gendered and “reloaded Culture War” (Wendy Brown) in order to create a feeling of community and a new common sense.
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024
6.00-7.30 PM
HS 111.21 (Beethovenstraße 8/II, 8010 Graz)
online via Zoom (please contact centeramericas(at) for the meeting link)
organized by the Cluster "The Americas: Perspektiven der westlichen Hemisphäre"
HuK-Forum - Forschungsnetzwerk Heterogenität und Kohäsion